all dressed up

all dressed up

even does her own hair

even does her own hair

Jessica, Mom and me

Jessica, Mom and me
Mt. Kearsage

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Well Cheryl and Jen, here goes nothing. See how I do with this blog thing.

Jessica will need to upload photos, not my area of expertise.

Will try posting blogs now and then.

As of now fall is in the air. The leaves are turning and nights are cool. I love fall but it comes too soon up here and is too short.

We had a fantastic trip to the beach and was so glad we were all able to get back together again. For the moment I am enjoying having my family all home as it was a long summer with Kody being gone. I keep thinking, this time next year and he will be gone for his first year of college. WOW. It's going to be a huge adjustment and one I am not ready for.

Will keep this one short to see if I am doing it right:)